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foundations article, 2015

"Life & art blurred into an indestinguishable reality upon the origins of the “Living Room” project, watching the process evolve from Michael’s initial 24 livestreaming experiments, voyeuristic webcam in his own room, bringing together & making internet friends through the chatroom, watching YouTube videos. There was no plan to make Living Room what it would eventually become. It seemed as if Living Room Today evolved naturally. The art just happened and morphed into it’s own universe over time. Eventually these experiments gradually morphed into a cohesive, cohesively organized, simultaneous IRL/virtual event, bringing together live musical performances, sometimes streaming from different locations, even once on a boat, with an engagement with an online audience,back in the Wild West days of the internet, when the algorithms were loose and actual engagement with internet community was both flourishing and innovative. Living Room pushed the boundaries of engagement of artistic expression & online community, there was nothing like it, a magical time to be alive on the internet."
- Michael Green on watching #livingroomtoday 2016

all rights reserved Livingroomtoday 2015-2020

Created by Michael Walker